The price of first class barite crystal with exceptional quality

Barite stone can be called a very widely used mineral stone at a reasonable price, which is used in various industries.

A type of which is called first-grade crystal white barite stone with exceptional quality; It has wide and many applications in all kinds of gold and jewelry industries.

About barite stone

It can be said that barite is a very widely used mineral that is sometimes not found in pure form, and is generally present together with other mineral elements.

This mineral is composed of barium sulfate and the meaning of the word barium means heavy, the reason for the name of this stone is its very high weight, which is very exceptional and unusual for a non-metallic mineral.

The high weight of this stone has made it used for a wide range of industrial, medical and construction purposes.

Typically barium ore in crystalline form; Crystals are formed in mineral deposits and sedimentary rocks.

Normally, in its pure state, barite is colorless and shell-white, but if it has impurities, it can also be found in brown, green, yellow, and blue colors.

In general, pure ore containing barium sulfate has a glassy luster and is found as large, transparent or semi-transparent crystal crystals.

One of the most important and widely used applications of barite is in the drilling of oil and gas wells, which are used all over the world and in Iran.

Barite is used as an agent for drilling fluids in oil and gas discoveries, as well as suppressing high pressures.

When a well is drilled, the drill must pass through different layers, each of these parts has different physical and mechanical characteristics.

Due to its non-magnetic properties, barite does not cause any interference in drilling measurements, and barite compounds are also used in medical laboratories.

Barite can be very suitable for taking x-rays because it can prevent serious risks by preventing the emission of x-rays in hospitals and laboratories.

in different industries such as car tire production; Supply and manufacture of TV and computer monitors; brake pads, especially in heavy vehicles; Barik can be used.

Also, barite is non-toxic and does not pose a serious risk to humans and other creatures.

Barite ore for export

Barite can be called one of the common types of hybrid minerals that appear together with quartz and calcite most of the time, this mineral can be called an industrial mineral that is used in various industries and places.

In most countries of the world, including Iran, you can find small and large mines of this mineral and proceed to extract barite, barite is used in various industries, one of its types is in tile and ceramic making.

in ceramic industries as a homogenizer of molten material; They use this mineral to reduce bubbles and increase transparency and brightness.

Apart from various mines, barite can be extracted from the layers of sedimentary rocks formed near volcanoes and also in the depths of the oceans.

Barium sulfate is formed deep in the earth by hot underground waters, barite is widely used in medical science and power plants due to its ability to absorb harmful X-rays and gamma rays.

To take a picture of the intestine, they usually feed a solution of this substance to the patient, and by mixing it with cement, they use it to make chambers or chambers that hold radioactive materials.

This mineral is used as a pigment in paints and as a weight filler for paper, cloth and rubber.

The paper used to make some cards contains this compound between its paper fibers, it can be said that China and India are the leading producers of this mineral and have the largest reserves of barite in the world.

In the country of Iran, in various cities such as the central province and Alborz, and in the next stage, in the cities around Isfahan, one can find mines and deposits very rich in barite, which are sometimes exported.

due to having different uses and being widely used; This material has a great demand for export, many countries of the world are applying to buy this mineral.

Barite stone in English

It can be said that barite is a natural compound of barium sulfate (BASO4), which is known by the English name Barite, which is a group of sulfates and is derived from the Greek word barys, which means heavy.

Barite in nature in vein form; It is layered and pure, you can find different types of barite in sand and sandstone.

Sometimes its crystals in the sand come in very interesting shapes, which are called barite flowers and have different sizes.

If the barite mineral is formed in the form of a blade in the mines; It assumes a prism-like state that can reflect light from any angle.

Barite mineral crystals in mines have a unique and beautiful appearance, also this stone has a very hard density and is very heavy.

This stone can be easily distinguished from other mineral and non-metallic stones, barite is available in different sizes, including normal and micronized types.

Its normal type has much larger particles than micronized and each one has its own specific application.

Barium sulfate is not soluble in many solvents, it only dissolves in hot concentrated sulfuric acid, but it is not soluble in other liquids and acids.

It is better to know that barium sulfate or mineral barite is also used for the production and manufacture of car coatings with anti-scratch and anti-corrosion properties.

So far, no reports have been reported about the harm and danger of this type of mineral to humans and the environment. When barite is decomposed, no dangerous substances are produced as a result of its decomposition.

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