Sedimentary black spar raw dolomite

An alternative name sometimes used for the type of dolomite rock is dolostone. Raw dolomite is a carbonated and anhydrous sedimentary mineral that is composed of magnesium calcium carbonate, ideally CaMg(CO3)2, which is available in black, cream, gray, etc., as well as sparry, calcitic, calcareous, and other types.

The term is also used for a sedimentary carbonate rock that consists mostly of the mineral dolomite. Carbonate rocks are found in abundance all over the world, these carbonate rocks are a major class of sedimentary rocks.

Carbonates are sedimentary rocks that form at (or near) the earth’s surface as a result of precipitation from solution at surface temperatures, the two major categories are limestone, which is made of calcite or aragonite (various crystalline forms of CaCO3) and dolestone, which is made of the mineral dolomite (Ca Mg (CO3)2) is formed.

Dolomite is not a simple mineral, it can have different origins, it can form as a primary sediment, a diagenetic replacement or as a hydrothermal-metamorphic phase, all it needs is permeability, a mechanism that allows fluid flow. Facilitates and is a sufficient source of magnesium.

Dolomite can also form in lakes, on or under the shallow sea bed, in salt water reflex zones, and in subsoil, both ancient and recent. It may be formed from seawater, from continental waters, mixing of salt water with seawater, or mixing of seawater with meteoric water. Potential fluid sources are seawater and subsurface fluid of marine or meteoric origin, and excess Mg can be released from high-Mg calcite and smectite.

The only abundant source of Mg2+ ions for dolomitization of early diagenetic surface and near surface is sea water. Dolomitization also creates new crystals, with new rhombic growth following the dissolution of less stable precursors.

The model of dolomitization and its formation depends on the place of dolomitization of the source and finally there must be favorable conditions for a chemical reaction. A special type of dolomite that may be cemented or replaced is baroque dolomite, also called saddle dolomite or white spar, known to mineral collectors as pearl spar, characterized by a wavy crystal lattice.

Raw black dolomite

The mineral is pure white, but traces of impurities can give raw dolomite a range of colors, including pink, yellow, black, brown, and gray. Based on the way of formation, dolomites can be generally divided into two groups: primary dolomite and secondary dolomite.

Primary dolomite precipitates directly from aqueous solution, mostly at or near room temperature (20-35°C), without dissolving CaCO3, however, dolomite can also replace the precursor mineral calcite as a secondary phase (process dolomitization) to form. The accepted hypothesis of dolomitization is that limestone is transformed into calcite by the dissolution of calcite followed by the deposition of dolomite. During dolomitization, dissolution of the precursor mineral calcite supplies the required calcium, where Mg+2 (and CO3-2) is supplied by the dolomitizing fluid.

Dolomite is formed by replacing calcite and iron ore ions with magnesium ions, depending on the ratio of magnesium ions in the crystal lattice, they have different names. The findings show that the formation of modern dolomite occurs under anaerobic conditions in supersaturated salt marshes in Brazil, in high-magnesium calcite, 0-32 mol% magnesium is present instead of calcium.

Protodolomite contains approximately 55 to 60 mol% of network caine with incomplete separation of calcium and magnesium into separate layers. Primary dolomite is actually rare and often forms in lakes and wetlands, while most dolomite is of alternative origin.

There are two distinct factors in the formation of dolomite that are the source of magnesium, plus, the way in which the dolomitic fluid is driven over the carbonate sediments.

Raw sparry dolomite

One of the types of this mineral, which may be a cement or silica stone or a substitute for it, is spar raw dolomite, which is also known as horse saddle or pearl spar.

Dolomite is one of the complex minerals and it is difficult to investigate its artificial presence in laboratory experiments, although it is a very regular and phase mineral that precipitates, but the synthesis of dolomite at sedimentary temperatures using natural waters has not been demonstrated. The control of chemical factors on the formation of dolomite from water is problematic, and scientists have mainly come to this conclusion from high-temperature experiments.

Raw sedimentary dolomite

This mineral is very common in rock formations, but the mineral raw dolomite rarely forms in sedimentary environments. For this reason, most dolomites are believed to form when limestone or limestone is modified by chemical changes after deposition.

Dolomite originates from the same sedimentary environments as limestone, warm, shallow, marine environments where calcium carbonate mud accumulates in the form of shell debris, feces, coral fragments, and carbonate sediments. Some geologists are uncomfortable using the word “dolomite” for both a mineral and a rock of the same composition. They prefer instead to use “dolomite rock” or “dolostone” when talking about sedimentary rock, and dolomite decomposition “dolomite” when talking about this mineral. Although these terms simplify communication and improve accuracy, many geologists still use the word “dolomite” for both the mineral and the rock.

Buying and selling raw dolomite

According to the officials of our country, Iran has the second dolomite mine in the world after Canada. Therefore, the buying and selling of raw dolomite in Iran is booming and it is even exported to foreign countries.

The price of raw dolomite

In this article, we tried to give you enough information about this mineral. There are different types of raw dolomite in the market with different prices. Our collection and online store are among the leaders of this industry in Iran due to the growth and reputation it has gained in recent years, which offers the best dolomite available in the market.

Our company is proud to announce that you can fill out our contact form and communicate with our experienced experts to get more information and buy raw dolomite.

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