Composition element of dolomite decomposition

One of the minerals that can be found in large quantities in African and European countries is dolomite, which has special benefits when combined and decomposed, and they are used for various tasks. Dolomite mineral, which is also known as dolostone among minerals, is one of the types of sedimentary minerals, which is one of the carbonaceous minerals.

This carbonaceous mineral is found in all sedimentary regions in the world, but most European and African countries have the largest amount of this mineral. have valuable Dolomite mineral is the result of the deposition of minerals such as lime and magnesium oxide, and other oxides such as potassium and sodium are also present in the carbonaceous mineral structure of dolomite.

Dolomite element

Nowadays, the use of mineral stones in various works is very important, iron ore and dolomite element which is composed of different chemical compounds has lime, magnesium and oxide compounds and this element is very valuable because of its high purity. A very valuable mineral, dolomite is available in various white, gray, and cream colors, but it can also be found in gold, green, and black colors.

All kinds of carbonaceous stones are very widely used and valuable due to the presence of special features and minerals in them, dolomite element is also highly valuable due to its special applications.

Dolomite composition

As we said, dolomite mineral is one of the sedimentary and carbonaceous minerals, the formula of dolomite is calcium and magnesium carbonate and it is composed of CaMg(CO3)2. The composition of dolomite is very valuable and is found in large quantities in places such as rivers, seas, various caves and in general places where mineral and organic materials are extracted.

The beautiful and attractive coloring of the dolomite element and the presence of special materials in it make the combination of this element a valuable material. Baked dolomite is used as a powder in making cement bricks and has many uses.

Dolomite decomposition

One of the dry carbonate rocks without mineral water is dolomite, which researchers have achieved very interesting results in the analyzes performed on this rock. The element and mineral dolomite makes up about 15% of the earth’s crust, and its main constituent elements can be called hydrated lime and magnesium oxide, but there is also the possibility of other minerals such as potassium in it. Sometimes the alternative name dolostone is also used to name dolomite.

By decomposing dolomite rock, the lime obtained from it can be used in the steel industry and in the agricultural industry.

Density of dolomite

Today, with the advancement of industry and technology, the density of all kinds of sedimentary and mineral materials can be determined in all laboratories, you should know that the density of dolomite element is a relative value of 2.86-2.84 grams per cubic meter. The physical properties of this material are similar to calcite and its hardness is between 3.5 and 4. Dolomite has many uses in industry and is considered a valuable material.

Dolomite analysis

One of the minerals without water and pure is dolomite, in the analysis done on this mineral, it is determined that in the most ideal possible state, this material is composed of magnesium and calcium carbonate. Of course, there are some sedimentary materials and minerals in nature that are made of dolomite and are very valuable.

Some dolomite stones are also used in making marble. Dolomite stones are extracted in our country even though there are advanced machines that are special for mining.

Dolomite processing

Today, with the progress of the industry and the construction of various factories in the cities of the country, a lot of progress has been achieved in the industry and construction of various materials, dolomite processing factories are one of the cases that have been built in the country today We have become a self-sufficient industry. Dolomite processing factories have a very high value, because their main task is to extract and process dolomite stone.

With the construction of dolomite processing factories, good job creation has been done in the country today, and each of these factories creates employment for more than a hundred people, and dolomite processing factories have the capacity to produce one hundred thousand tons of dolomite annually.

Dolomite tablets

Today, with the advancement of medical science, there are no more types of supplement pills, each of which has its own disadvantages. In ancient times, dolomite was used as a food supplement pill to supply magnesium and calcium phosphate to the body.

Today, dolomite tablets are used as a supplement in a small amount and if prescribed by a doctor, but it is no longer common to use it like in the old days, because With the advancement of medical science, doctors realized that it contains a significant amount of various toxic elements such as lead and mercury.

Dolomite customs tariff

Different and valuable minerals are not found everywhere in the world, and different countries try to import different kinds of minerals such as dolomite. Of course, it should be noted that the customs tariff for importing different types of minerals is different in different countries, and some countries where no minerals are found in them consider a lower tariff for importing minerals.

Many traders and importers of different types of minerals such as dolomite consider import tariffs and customs of minerals in importing dolomite.

Molecular mass of dolomite

As we said, dolomite is one of the most valuable minerals and has various applications in various industries. The molecular weight of dolomite depends on the properties and ingredients of this mineral. The scale of dolomite mineral stone is between three and a half to four and its weight is two grams per cubic centimeter.

This material consists of elements such as magnesium and Bushehr hydrated lime, and there is a possibility of the presence of minerals such as iron oxide, potassium and sodium in it.

Thermal decomposition of dolomite

There are many different analysis methods to identify and thermally optimize dolomite, the use of thermal analysis and then the carbonation process is used again, and the calcium and magnesium present in Klysineh dolomite stone are used for the raw material of cement and magnesium-based products.

Melting temperature of dolomite

A French mineralogist named Mann Dolmeiro discovered the dolomite mineral, and because of his name, this stone was given this name. It is interesting to know that dolomite melts at a very high temperature of 1700-1800 degrees Celsius and turns into a neutral product when melted.

Our collection, with a brilliant history in the field of distribution of all kinds of silica, invites you to fill out the form on our website if you intend to buy this valuable material, so that our experts can communicate with you and help you in the best possible way.

They will help you with the purchase of this mineral and provide you with special offers for the collection. Our collection is the main center and the largest distribution collection of dolomite stone in the country, which sells this valuable material in bulk.

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