Buy micronized potassium feldspar directly from the factory

Manufacturers who are active in the field of designing and manufacturing all kinds of ceramics are undoubtedly willing to buy micronized potassium feldspar directly from the factory in order to save more on costs and to be able to produce and market the final product at a reasonable price.

In the rocks of the earth’s crust, there are compounds that are called minerals in the science of geology, and each one is distinguished from the other due to its chemical formula, constituent elements, or atomic structure, and will have its own characteristics and uses. .

In this way, it can be said that these minerals are the smallest component of minerals and they make minerals different from each other and find different uses, and feldspar is one of these crystalline minerals.

If you test the structure of igneous rocks, you can find significant amounts of feldspar in them, which are composed of elements such as potassium, sodium, aluminum, and calcium, and are divided into four subgroups, including calcic, sedic, potassic, and albite feldspars. will be

It is clear that in each of the mentioned groups, there was one of the mineral elements more than the others, which named feldspar according to the same, and each of them has specific applications in the industry.

For example, Sedic feldspar has a lower melting temperature compared to other members of its family and creates a stronger adhesion, so it will be used the most in glass production.

But in this article, we are talking about potassium feldspar, whose melting temperature is estimated to be above 1200 degrees Celsius, and the best results can be obtained from it if ecker is used as a melting aid.

This is the unique feature of potassium feldspar, which has made it the main material for making all kinds of ceramics, and considering that the commercial value of ceramics is higher than glass, potassium feldspar always has a higher price compared to Sedic feldspar in the market.

Among all the feldspars extracted from igneous rocks, only about 30% are potassic type, and most of all feldspar is extracted, which is another reason for the rarity of the potassic type and its high price.

Of course, there are other uses for potassium feldspar, one of the most important of which is acid washing on feldspar and turning it into potassium sulfate, which is considered the best chemical fertilizer for plants and fruit trees.

Due to the changes and developments that have occurred in the paper industry and the use of new methods to produce various types of paper, potassium feldspar is used in a limited way in this industry.

Potassic feldspar has a wider firing range compared to Sedic samples, and one of the most important reasons for using potassium feldspar in firing ceramics and its products is the higher reliability of the properties of potassium feldspar.

When feldspar is used for various productions in porcelain and ceramic industries, the amount of iron oxide must be kept below 5%, but in the case of aluminum oxide, more than 15% will be considered.

To prepare for use in various industries, potassium feldspar is first crushed, and during the processes that take place on the mineral, it will be packed in powdered form and prepared for use in industries.

Buy potassium feldspar

The special geological conditions in Iran have made our country rich in all kinds of minerals, and it is possible to buy potassium feldspar easily from domestic sources, so there is no need to import it in this case.

In Iran, feldspar mines are often associated with granite masses or granitoids, and in parts of Yazd province, especially around Shirkoh, there are huge sources of this mineral that are currently being extracted and exploited.

The way of working is that when the ore containing feldspar is extracted, it is crushed in dry form by special and heavy machines, and then they are granulated and sent to the grinding stage.

At this stage, the ore is completely pulverized, and materials with high hardness such as mica, which resist pulverization, remain in the form of coarse grains, and it will be easy to separate them from the pulverized product.

Undoubtedly, there will be iron oxide particles in the ore powder, which will be separated by a strong magnetic field, and using the voltation method, they will separate all the remaining impurities from the powdered product.

It is time to wash and dry the pulverized ore, and it will be granulated in different sizes according to the uses, and each group will be packaged and sent to the market separately.

What has attracted the attention of ceramic, porcelain and glaze manufacturers about potassium feldspar is the possibility of polishing it, which ultimately makes it look like glass and has shine and luster.

Although this characteristic has caused potassium feldspar to become brittle and has transferred this characteristic to ceramic tiles, but the products produced with feldspar can be used in many cases, including all types of building floor ceramics or ceramic tiles. They are for the bathroom.

Buyers of potassium feldspar should know that this product is prepared in two forms, micronized and granulated, for various uses, and according to the customer’s order, one of them, which has the most suitable performance, will be sent to the customer.

Due to the expensiveness of potassium feldspar, another product of the combination of sedic and potassic samples has been released to the market, which is called sedic-potassic feldspar, and it has a relatively cheaper price, but it should be noted that the impurity percentage is a defect in the manufacturing industries that is considered by the customer. do not create

To know the purity level and type of potassium feldspar, you will need the guidance of expert consultants who are present in our collection and are ready to respond to respected buyers.

The way to communicate with the consultants and experts of the collection is easy, and you just need to register your specifications and ask your questions through the link below, so that your request will be dealt with in the shortest possible time and the best micronized potassium feldspar product will be provided for you directly from the factory. and sent to the desired address.

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